Thank you for your interest in Cambridge Prep Academy. We are proud of our unique educational program for grades Infant through Twelfth. At Cambridge, each student’s program is designed to develop essential skills and challenge his or her strengths.
Our program is alive with the intellectual energy and dedication of its members. Each year we seek to admit an outstanding group of applicants to join a remarkable, collegial community of students, faculty, and staff deeply committed to expanding the boundaries of human knowledge and understanding. The implementation of the program has allowed us to further personalize instruction and strategies so that our students can better understand themselves, verbalize their needs and become independent learners.
At Cambridge we are family. Our staff and students work hard to maintain a positive atmosphere where all students feel included and have a since of belonging. Unique to our school is our student-to-teacher ratio and our ability to differentiate according to each individual’s needs. Our intimate classroom setting allows teachers to fully understand each child’s learning style – strengths and areas requiring additional support. The partnership between school and home is vital to the success of our program and we rely on strong communication to accomplish this.
While our expanding web site will give you a general overview, I encourage you to come for a visit.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have by emailing me at jackie@cambridgeprepacademy.org or calling 386-243-8285 ext. 100.
Respectfully yours,
Jackie Britt
Owner and Administrator

Cambridge Prep Academy’s admission requirements promote student success by assessing student preparedness and academic potential in the unique context of each student's personal experience. Admission assessment will consider all achievements, both academic and non-academic, to enroll students with a broad range of characteristics and perspectives. Considerations include, but are not limited to: academic achievement, creativity, initiative, motivation, leadership, persistence, service to others, intellectual curiosity, exceptional personal or academic recognition, unusual talent or ability, substantial experience with other cultures, and ability to overcome significant challenges.
The admissions process consists of a fair and comprehensive review of all applicants to determine potential success at Cambridge Prep Academy. It is crucial for applicants to carefully complete the application process by providing thorough information. Estimating the likelihood of admission is very difficult without considering the complete application file.
Please note that academic performance is not the sole criterion for admission to the academy. The school may evaluate a person's behavior and background to determine their ability to maintain the standards of academic and professional conduct expected at the school. An evaluation may take into consideration current behavior and performance as well as past experiences and actions. Social Media venues are also weighed in. Simply qualifying for admission does not guarantee admission.
Return students will be admitted for an additional year after review of the above characteristics and achievements are weighed. Parental involvement and contribution to our Cambridge family is also heavily considered. In the family environment we have created for our school, it is crucial to have a family unit that is supporting and nurturing to the school and the learning environment.
Cambridge Prep Academy reserves the right to grant admittance only to students and families that meet our enrollment criteria. Parents will be notified of the admissions decision in person or in writing; reasons for the decision are not disclosed to applicants. The same is applicable to re-enrollment students and families also.
Please fill out our inquiry form with your child's information today to begin the interview and enrollment process. Our offices will contact you within 3 business days of receiving your information.
After reviewing your family's application, the administrators will determine whether an interview will be extended.
Students who are performing below grade level or who have a previous behavior record are generally not considered.
The interview consists of legal guardians, the student(s) applying for acceptance, and 1-3 staff members. Typically, the interview is conducted by a member of our administrative team. Occasionally, classroom teachers will be invited to attend.
During the interview at the agreed-upon time, we will ask questions to get to know your student. We will review the most recent academic data and ask questions as needed. Information is provided regarding uniforms, dress and appearance standards, lunches, schedule, scholarships, curriculum, and more. Families have the opportunity to tour the campus and ask any questions that they may have.
Following the interview we may need a chance to further review the data as a board. An acceptance or denial will be issued within 3 business days.
Following your student's acceptance, you will be allotted three business days to enroll.
You will be provided a checklist of required documents along with pamphlets for ordering uniforms, a calendar for the year, and other pertinent information.
To secure your child's enrollment, a yearly non-refundable enrollment fee of $300 is required, with an additional $50 per student. If enrollment is not completed, with fee paid, within three business days of acceptance, your student's seat may be filled.
Important Note: Admission may be revoked if the submitted transcripts or other required documents contain undisclosed information or discrepancies that conflict with the information previously provided.